2000-2001 University of Tartu, Finno-Ugric Liguistics (63 EAP)
2001-2003 Nygård Skole, Norway, Kurs i Norsk språk og Kultur
2003-2005 University of Bergen/Grieg Akademiet, Norway, Media and Communication Studies, Cultural Studies, Musicology (subjects), Examen Philosophicum (105 SP)
2005-2006 High School of Bergen, Norway, Musikk årsstudium (Ole Bull Akademiet, kurs i folkemusikk og norsk kveding)
2006-2006 Wavecamp, Norway, Sound and Music production (volunteering and participation in a course)
2008-2008 Fine5, Tallinn, Estonia, dance classes
2009-2010 Theatre School, Tallinn, Estonia, Acting and dance classes
2009-2009 Tallinn Family Center, Estonia, Training on autism/support services for volunteers
2009-2009 EstYes voluntary office, Service Civil International, Poland, Cross-cultural training – Interpersonal/Intercultural conflicts
2010-2011 Nordfyns Folkehøjskole, Denmark, Language, Culture, Globalization, Arts, Mindfulness and Coaching, “Silence days and budhistic meditation with Khnepo” (incomplete), Mogens Balle
2011-2012 Alar Krautman Health Academy, Estonia, Ayurveda and oil massage, Aromatherapy, Bach Flower Therapy (68 hours)
2012-2012 Reiki Course, Estonia, Reiki Therapy methods, L1, private course
2012-2013 Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Estonia, Music Therapy Beginner course (15 EAP, incl.14h group supervision, 2h individual supervision, 12h own experience in a group, practice), Alice Pehk
2014-2015 Free Flow Studio, Modern, House Dance and Vocal Course
2015-2017 Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre, Music Therapy Advanced course (40 EAP, incl. 62h group supervision, 16h group therapy, 22h own experience in a group, practice), Alice Pehk
2019-2019 Fujitsu AS, ITIL Foundation 4
2020-2020 Fujitsu AS, Talent Academy, Excellence Award Bronze, Finland
2020-2020 Fujitsu AS, Lean education – Sense and Respond training, Finland
2020-2021 University of Tartu, Estonia, Finno-Ugric Linguistics (3 EAP)
2020-2020 University of Tartu, Fundamentals of Psychology (2 EAP)
2020-2020 University of Tartu, How to Identify and Support Older Victims of Abuse (1 EAP)
2021-2021 University of Tartu, Sport and Eating Disorders: Understanding and Managing the Risks (0.5 EAP)
2021-2021 University of Tartu, The Power and Spirit of Habit: Habit Formation in Sport and Exercise (0.5 EAP)
2021-2021 University of Tartu, Psychology of Religion (3 EAP)
2021-2021 University of Tartu, Using digital tools to support work and self-improvement
2022-2022 Imaton Practical Psychology Institute, Russia, Creative therapy courses (40h)
2022-2022 Door to the unconscious or meeting with Yourself (Practical webinar workshop – Imaton Institute of Practical psychology, St. Petersburg, including technics of phototherapy, fabrics therapy, metaphoric cards, bibliotherapy, clay therapy/ Art therapist Jekaterina Smorzhanik, Russia, 12 hours)
2022-2022 Methodology of color diagnostics (Lucher test) and psychotherapy with works of art (Practical webinar workshop – Imaton Institute of Practical psychology, St.Petersburg / Music therapist Vladimir Elckin, Russia, 8 hours)
2022-2022 Alchemy of feelings and experiences as a mechanism of healing in art therapy process (Practical webinar workshop – Imaton Institute of Practical psychology, St.Petersburg, including technics of dance therapy, music, drawing / Art therapist Vida Grigaliunaite, Lithuania, 12 hours)
2022-2022 Estonian Ministry of Social welfare, Estonia, Psychosocial care in crisis briefing (3h)
2022-2022 Estonian Human Rights Center, An approach to non-violent communication in the work environment, Experienced advisor Evelyn Valtin
2022-2022 Estonian Human Rights Center, Diversity and Inclusion training for trainers, Kelly Grossthal
2022-2022 Sisemine Rahu OÜ, Estonia, Creative Transpersonal Therapy methods in client work and self-reflection (16h), Kristina Tamm
2022-2022 Aalborg University, Denmark, Foundations for Music Therapy Assessement (12h), Gustavo Schulz Gattino
2022-2023 Body Voice Therapy School, Body Voice Therapy Group approach (7 modules, 28 lectures/practices), Elena Vershinina
2022-2023 Udemy Learning, Elmira Strange, Gestalt Psychotherapy (32 lectures/4 hours), United Kingdom
2022-xxxx Udemy Learning, Chris Sivewright, Art Therapy Master Course (115h), United Kingdom
2023-2023 Käo Keskus, Estonia, Alternative Communication – principles, different tools and methods. Using PCS images in development work for people with special needs (4h), Kati Kiiver
2023-2023 University of Tartu, Estonia, Introductory training for Activity Supervisor for people with disabilities or psychical disorders (40h)
2023-2023 Aga Khan Foundation, Introduction to Gender Analysis
2023-2023 Aalborg University, Denmark, Documentation in Music Therapy (3 hours), Gustavo Schulz Gattino
Music therapy school works (final course works),
“The achievement of inner balance with the help of music therapy” (37 pages), 2017
“The importance of a family and music therapy possibilities for the children of divorced parents” (33 pages), 2012
2023- University of Bergen, Norway, Cultural Science and other subjects